We all are seduced by the media. For the most part violence sells. It is the train wreck we stop to watch. We don't stop to watch the old lady being lovingly helped across the street. Our basic core instincts are being used against us to make a certain few very wealthy.
Could the very nature of hateful gangster rap be a plot to keep the Black Nation in America down? What better propaganda to create self hate and chaos than to use music to turn brother against brother.
When did it become OK to call women hateful names? Or to advocate one Black man to kill another Black man for merely looking at him the wrong way? Why does no one find it offensive to hear such hate turned into mantras that children sing as they play?
I came upon Boyce Watkins when I did a search for C. Delores Tucker. I have linked to a video she made in 1993. Such a wise women who was called such horrible names by those profiteers in the gangster rap community. She speaks with such credence. I feel so bad for how was treated in songs by rappers. They spewed pure hate towards her. Take the time and watch her video. She was a voice for reason.
Most of these gangster rappers go on to make plenty of cash and make sure their children go to college. These gangster rappers have made their millions off the the death of other peoples children.
No one knows how this will all turn out. If you marinate yourself in a daily dose of gangster rap it will cover you with its flavor of lowered expectations and despair.